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Hotel Center Hotel

Hotel Center Hotel promo code

Check hotel discounts for Hotel Center Hotel in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Hotel Center Hotel promo code

Check hotel discounts for Hotel Center Hotel in Ljubljana, Slovenia.


Slovenska Cesta 51, zip code 1000

Ljubljana, Osrednjeslovenska, Slovenia

Best Price Guarantee: if you will find Hotel Center Hotel at a lower rate online, you will be compensated the price difference. See terms and conditions. All discounts are already included in the price. Promotion codes, discount codes, voucher codes or coupon codes are not required for making a reservation with Hotel Center Hotel. Check hotel price details and get the best hotel room rates.

Hotel Facilities: Limousine Service, Snack Bar

Hotel Description: Hotel Center Hotel is a 2 stars hotel located in Ljubljana at Slovenska Cesta 51. Hotel Center Hotel phone number is n/a. We are sure you will enjoy your trip in Ljubljana, Slovenia while staying at this hotel. Click on below button to check Hotel Center Hotel availability and best prices for your desired travel dates. Remember you enjoy the best price guarantee policy. Alternatively you may compare hotel prices and book online hotel rooms in Ljubljana, Slovenia using free comparison services.